Our Why

Elevated Bathing Rituals

Pioneering a New Era of Beauty & Wellness

At UMM Skincare, we redefine luxury skincare with a revolutionary approach that surpasses traditional products. We aim to offer holistic, science-backed formulations rooted in ancient Indian rituals, enhancing skin health and overall lifestyle.


On average, American consumers expose themselves to over 60 harmful chemicals daily through their use of personal care products, facial products, deodorants, perfumes, and shampoos. Many of these chemicals link to hormone disruptions, cancers, severe allergies, and various health issues.

To tackle this issue, we streamline the number of necessary products and enhance the functionality of each. Our sophisticated, multi-use products are engineered to perform effectively on your body, face, scalp, and hair. By integrating internal wellness with external skin health, our capsule collection of ingestibles and whole-body skincare formulas work together to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out.

Woman with long blonde hair, showing her back with a swirl of body moisturizer applied, embracing a natural and nourishing skincare routine.

Our mission focuses on revitalizing ancient Ayurvedic body care rituals, which date back over 5,000 years, to boost your overall well-being and skin health. Our goal is to create holistic, luxurious experiences that nourish both body and soul, ensuring you feel radiant and revitalized every day.

UMM Skincare leads the way into a new beauty and wellness era. We invite you to transform your skincare routine into a ritual of rejuvenation and self-care, offering an experience unlike any other.